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Surviving Summer with Kids: Tips for Working from Home

Working from home during the summer while taking care of kids can be quite challenging. However, with some planning, creativity, and a positive mindset, it is possible to survive and thrive during this time. Speaking from personal experience, I understand the unique challenges that come with working from home while juggling the responsibilities of caring for children. It can be a delicate balancing act, trying to maintain productivity while tending to the needs of little ones. I've faced countless interruptions, multitasking between deadlines and snack requests, and finding creative solutions to keep everyone engaged and entertained.

It's not always easy, but through trial and error, I've discovered strategies and tips that have helped me navigate this challenging terrain. In this blog post, I'll share my personal insights and practical advice on how to survive and thrive with kids at home during the summer while working from home.

Mom sitting on a yellow couch while working on laptop with baby girl in her lap

Here are some tips to help you navigate the summer months while juggling work and kids at home:

1. Establish a Routine: Having a daily routine can provide structure and help everyone in the family know what to expect. Set specific work hours for yourself and create a schedule for your children that includes dedicated time for activities, meals, and rest. This will create a sense of order and make it easier to manage your time effectively.

2. Plan Fun and Engaging Activities: Keep your kids entertained and engaged with age-appropriate activities. Create a list of ideas for indoor and outdoor activities that they can do independently or with minimal supervision. This could include arts and crafts projects, science experiments, outdoor games, or even themed days where you explore a specific topic or interest together.

3. Utilize Screen Time Wisely: While it's important to limit screen time, there are educational and interactive resources available that can be beneficial for your children. Look for age-appropriate educational apps, online classes, or virtual tours that can keep them engaged and learning while you focus on work. Set clear boundaries and time limits for screen use to maintain a healthy balance. We love using Khan Academy as an engaging and educational program for our five-year-old to make learning a fun experience.

4. Embrace Flexibility: Working from home with kids requires flexibility. Be prepared for interruptions and understand that your productivity might fluctuate. Embrace the idea that it's okay to have breaks and adjust your work schedule as needed to accommodate your children's needs. Find pockets of time during the day when you can be most productive and use those moments to tackle important tasks.

5. Create Workspaces for Everyone: Designate separate workspaces for yourself and your children. Having a designated area where you can focus on work will help you maintain productivity and separate work life from home life. Encourage your children to create their own designated workspace where they can engage in activities or schoolwork. This will help them develop a sense of responsibility and ownership.

6. Set Realistic Expectations: It's important to set realistic expectations for yourself and your children. Understand that you may not be able to accomplish everything you would in a traditional work environment, and that's okay. Prioritize your tasks and focus on the most important ones. If possible, communicate with your employer about your situation and work together to find solutions that meet both your needs.

7. Consider exploring the option of hiring a part-time nanny or involving a family member or trusted friend to come over and engage with your kids for a couple of hours each day. This can provide you with dedicated work time while ensuring that your children are well taken care of and engaged in meaningful activities. Having someone else present to keep the kids entertained, play games, or even organize educational activities can give you the focused time you need to tackle important work tasks. It's a valuable investment that can alleviate some of the challenges of working from home with kids during the summer months.

8. Take Breaks and Self-Care: Remember to take breaks and prioritize self-care. Taking care of your own well-being is crucial to maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Schedule short breaks throughout the day to recharge and engage in activities that help you relax and destress. Whether it's going for a walk, practicing mindfulness, or indulging in a hobby, make time for yourself to rejuvenate.

9. Seek Support: Don't be afraid to ask for help or seek support from your partner, family, or friends. Share the responsibilities of child care and household chores, and consider setting up a support network with other working parents in similar situations. You can take turns supervising and entertaining the children, giving each other the opportunity to focus on work without interruptions.

10. Another exciting option to consider for summer activities is enrolling your child in Vacation Bible School or summer camps. These programs offer a structured and enriching environment where kids can learn, socialize, and have fun (and some are free!). VBS provides a unique blend of religious teachings, arts and crafts, games, and interactive lessons that can foster your child's spiritual growth. On the other hand, summer camps, whether they focus on sports, arts, or outdoor adventures, offer a wide range of activities that cater to different interests. Both VBS and summer camps provide a wonderful opportunity for kids to make new friends, explore new interests, and create lasting memories.

Remember, every day may not be perfect, and that's okay. Embrace the joys and challenges of working from home with kids during the summer, and find a balance that works for your family. By implementing these strategies and adapting to the situation, you can make the most of your time together, create lasting memories, and continue to excel in your professional life. The chaos and juggling act of working from home with kids during the summer is just a season in your life.

While it may have its challenges, it's also an opportunity to create lasting memories, nurture your bond with your children, and develop your resilience as a working mom. Embrace the moments of joy and find ways to make it work for you and your family. And when the summer season eventually comes to an end, you can look back with a sense of accomplishment and pride, knowing that you navigated this unique chapter with grace and determination.


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