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Balancing Diapers and Deadlines: Productivity Hacks for Working Moms

Hello, all my amazing moms out there, balancing diapers and deadlines, pacifiers and presentations! I know you because I am you. We're the tough tribe of working moms who make countless decisions every day, striving to fulfill our dual roles with grace and grit. Today, I'm letting you in on my personal journey, a journey that's often been a tightrope walk between being a mom and a professional.

Over time, I've discovered some invaluable tools and strategies, my personal productivity hacks, if you will. They've helped me juggle my precious toddler and pressing tasks, family dinners and firm deadlines without losing myself in the process. Trust me when I say I understand the struggle of juggling sippy cups and spreadsheets, I truly mean it!

This post is for you. For every mom who's ever felt overwhelmed, for every mom who's ever felt guilty, and for every mom who's ever wondered if she's doing enough. I'm sharing these productivity hacks with the hope that they will help you, as they have helped me, to make your journey a little bit smoother. So, let's dive in, shall we?

1. Embrace Technology

Technology has been my best friend when it comes to managing my time efficiently. From apps that organize my schedule (like Google Calendar) to ones that help me stay focused (like Forest), these tools have been a lifesaver. I've even found online grocery shopping and meal planning apps to be an absolute game-changer. We're living in a digital era, ladies, and it's high time we put it to our advantage!

Living in the digital era comes with its perks, especially when it comes to boosting productivity. Even though I love my traditional paper planner, I can't deny the convenience of digital planners and productivity tools that I can access right from my smartphone or iPad.

Productivity software like Asana and have been game changers for organizing my work tasks. The ability to delegate tasks, set reminders, and visually map out my projects all in one place is invaluable. Plus, these tools can be accessed anywhere, at any time, so I can easily stay on top of things, even during my kid's cub scout meetings.

And let's not forget about the wonders of AI technology. Chatbots and smart assistants, like OpenAI's ChatGPT, are incredibly helpful. One of the unique ways I use AI is for meal planning. With simple prompts, ChatGPT helps me come up with meal ideas, taking into account nutritional needs and even my family's dietary preferences. It's like having my personal culinary advisor, saving me from the frequent "What's for dinner, mom?" dilemmas.

Green box with Fresh Menu Button

Finally, I want to shout out to online grocery shopping apps. They've saved me countless hours of walking up and down grocery aisles with tired, hungry kids. They're simple to use, and the best part is I can add items to my cart throughout the week as I remember them.

One of my personal favorites is Amazon Fresh. It has a fantastic feature where it adds my recurring products to my shopping cart every Friday. It's a real time-saver and ensures I never forget the essentials. So, every week, my shopping list is almost done before I've even started. That's one less thing to worry about! You can get a free trial here.

We are fortunate to have a plethora of technological tools at our fingertips. Don't shy away from exploring and using them. They can simplify our lives in ways we never imagined!

2. Create a Designated Workspace

Having a dedicated workspace at home has been instrumental in setting boundaries between my work and personal life. This doesn't necessarily mean you need a separate home office; a small desk in a quiet corner can do the trick. The key here is to signal your brain that this space is for work, which helps you switch into 'work mode' more easily.

In our busy household, with both my husband and I working from home, creating separate workspaces has been vital to maintaining focus and productivity. As much as we love each other, overlapping Zoom calls and differing work styles could easily cause friction and distraction.

My husband has claimed our home office, and after some experimenting, I found my perfect workspace in Donavan's room. I set up a cozy, efficient desk in a quiet corner, and it has become my productivity haven.

At first, it might seem odd - an office in a kid's room. But during my work hours, Donavan is usually at school, making it the perfect peaceful place for me to concentrate. And, when he's home, let's be honest, he's not playing in his room.

Of course, this arrangement may not work for everyone, but the key takeaway is to find a space that suits your unique circumstances. It doesn't necessarily mean you need a separate home office; a small desk in a quiet corner can do the trick. The goal is to signal your brain that this space is for work, which helps you switch into 'work mode' more easily and enhance productivity. So, don't be afraid to think outside the box and create a workspace that suits your unique circumstances. It might make all the difference!

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3. Prioritize and Plan Ahead

At the start of each week, I take some time to prioritize my tasks. What's urgent? What's important? What can wait? This is where a good old-fashioned planner comes in handy. Despite the digital age we live in, I find something incredibly grounding about writing things down on paper. For me, it's a visual and tactile way of engaging with my tasks and responsibilities. I can see my week laid out in front of me, and there's an undeniable satisfaction in crossing out a task once it's done. It's like a small victory, a testament to my productivity.

Once I have my tasks sorted and priorities clear, I use block scheduling to plan my days. Block scheduling, simply put, is dedicating specific time blocks for different tasks or types of work. This helps me stay focused on one task at a time rather than constantly multitasking, which we all know can be pretty exhausting.

Remember, it's not about doing everything; it's about doing what matters most. Prioritizing and planning ahead allows you to have control over your time, giving you a sense of balance between your work and personal life.

4. Lean on Your Support Network

I've learned the hard way that it's okay to ask for help. One of the keys to balancing motherhood and work is learning how to delegate, both at home and at the office. This includes making smart decisions about how you use your resources, particularly your time and your funds.

Sometimes, investing in services like housekeeping or babysitting can be a game-changer. It's not about outsourcing our responsibilities as moms but about understanding that it's okay to get support where we need it. Initially, I had a hard time coming to terms with hiring a housekeeper, thinking it was a luxury. But then I realized that by delegating a few hours of cleaning each week, I was able to focus better on my work tasks, be more productive, and reduce my stress levels.

Whether it's leaning on your partner, family, or friends, or hiring help, remember that it takes a village to raise a child. And that includes a village to support the mother too! Don't feel guilty about needing time to work or just to breathe. Your well-being is crucial not just for you but also for your family.

5. Self-care is NOT Optional

When it comes to self-care, I've found that having a little quiet time for myself early in the morning sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. I wake up at 5 am before anyone else in the house stirs. This "me" time is sacred. I relish the quiet of the house, savoring my coffee as I watch the sun peek over the horizon. There's something profoundly calming about starting the day in stillness, and it gives me an energy boost that no amount of caffeine can match.

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This morning ritual might seem like a small thing, but it has a profound impact. It allows me to center myself before the chaos of the day begins. It reminds me that I'm not just a mom or a professional but an individual who needs and deserves time to relax and rejuvenate.

As moms, we tend to put ourselves last, but let me tell you, a relaxed, healthy mom is the best gift you can give to your child. So, whether it's taking a hot bath, reading a book, or simply sitting with your coffee in the early morning light, carve out that time for yourself. It's not just necessary, it's essential. You're worth it!

6. The Art of Saying 'No'

Learning to say 'no' is an art and a necessity, especially for us working moms. It took me a while to grasp this, but the reality is, we only have 24 hours in a day, and we can't do it all. More importantly, we shouldn't have to.

Sometimes, this means declining invitations that, in an ideal world, we would love to accept. Maybe it's a family dinner or a hangout with friends. As much as we'd like to be there, if we're nearing burnout, it's critical to recognize and respect our limits.

Remember, saying 'no' isn't about disappointing others, it's about respecting our own needs. It's about giving ourselves the permission to slow down, to rest, and to recharge. We might worry about missing out, but the truth is, by preserving our energy, we ensure that we can show up as our best selves in the roles and relationships that truly matter to us.

Saying 'no' might feel uncomfortable at first, but it's an essential part of self-care and maintaining our mental and physical health. Over time, it becomes easier, and you'll find that most people understand. After all, we're all human, and we all have limits. It's time to embrace ours.

7. Practice Gratitude and Celebrate Small Wins

In the whirlwind of our busy lives, it's all too easy to focus on what we haven't done or what's yet to be accomplished. Here's a habit that has greatly helped me: practicing gratitude and celebrating small victories every day.

Every night before I go to bed, I take a few minutes to reflect on the day and identify something that I am grateful for. It could be something as simple as Donovan's laughter, Warren's dancing, a completed project at work, or a quiet moment with my coffee in the morning. This simple act of gratitude helps me focus on the positive aspects of my life, and it's a soothing end to the day.

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Similarly, I consciously take the time to acknowledge and rejoice in my small victories. Finished a tough task? Celebrate it. Managed a day without any toddler tantrums? Celebrate it. Got out of bed and showed up, even when you didn't feel like it? Definitely celebrate it! These moments of celebration inject positivity and motivation into our lives, reminding us of our strengths and capabilities.

As I wrap up this post, I want to reiterate this: as working moms, we are all superheroes in our own right. We are masters of multitasking, jugglers of jobs and juniors, and spinners of an endless array of plates. But even superheroes need a break. Even superheroes have limits.

My journey of balancing motherhood and a career is far from perfect, and I'm learning every day. But these productivity hacks have lightened my load and brought a semblance of order to my chaotic days. I hope they will do the same for you.

Remember, it's okay to ask for help. It's okay to take time for yourself. And it's okay to say 'no'. In this wild journey, don't lose sight of who you are. Because before you are a mom or a professional, you are YOU. Unique, strong, and irreplaceable.

Let's continue to support each other, celebrate our victories - big or small, and strive to be the best versions of ourselves. We've got this, mamas!

Until next time, sending you all my love and positive vibes.


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