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Empowering Little Swimmers: How ISR Saved Both of Our Boys from the Dangers of Water

Water safety is a critical concern for parents, particularly when it comes to young children. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drowning is the number one cause of

accidental death for infants and young children between the ages of 1-4. As parents, we want to do everything we can to protect our children and ensure their safety around water. That's why I want to share with you the importance of Infant Swim Rescue (ISR) and how it has changed the lives of my family and countless others. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of ISR over typical swim lesson facilities and the significant role it plays in promoting water safety for children.

ISR: More Than Just Swim Lessons:

ISR is the global leader in survival swimming lessons for infants and young children. What sets ISR apart is its unique approach to swim instruction. ISR emphasizes competence, which leads to confidence, and provides the foundation for a lifetime of enjoyment in and around the water. ISR lessons are conducted one-on-one with a highly-trained ISR Instructor, ensuring personalized attention and effective learning.

My Personal Experience with ISR:

Both Donavan (5) and Warren (1) have been a part of ISR, and I cannot stress enough the difference it has made in their water safety skills. Although both boys initially experienced some fear and apprehension, it is important to note that a certain level of discomfort is expected during the ISR lessons. In fact, we want our children to cry when they fall into the pool as it serves as a crucial indicator that they have recognized the water's presence and are engaging in the self-rescue skills they have learned. While it can be difficult to witness our little ones' cries and struggle momentarily, it is vital for their safety and future learning. You'll see in Warren's video above that he signed "all-done" and cried the entire 4 min float in his full clothing/shoes test.

It is through these challenging moments that they develop the necessary skills and confidence to protect themselves in case of an accidental water incident. Both of my boys have had terrifying experiences of falling into a pool, but thanks to their ISR training, they were able to save themselves from a potentially tragic situation, giving me time to get to them. It was a powerful reminder of the lifesaving skills they acquired through ISR. The peace of mind it has brought to our family is invaluable.

Benefits of ISR Over Typical Swim Lessons:

While traditional swim lessons have their merits, ISR offers distinct advantages that prioritize water safety. One notable difference is the focus on survival skills. ISR teaches children essential skills such as floating, breath control, and self-rescue techniques. These skills are crucial in emergency situations and can make all the difference in preventing accidents. Prior to ISR, Donavan spent eight months in a local group swim lesson program, costing us hundreds of dollars, but unfortunately, he didn't make much progress. It was only after discovering ISR that we finally saw significant improvement in his swimming skills.

ISR's importance extends beyond families with backyard pools because water safety is a crucial life skill that every child should learn, regardless of their access to a personal pool. Accidental water-related incidents can happen anywhere, including lakes, rivers, community pools, and even bathtubs. By equipping children with the necessary skills and knowledge through ISR, families can ensure that their child is prepared to handle themselves in various water environments and reduce the risk of drowning. Water safety education is a vital component of child development, promoting a lifelong respect and understanding of water and its potential dangers.

False Sense of Security - Puddle Jumpers and the Importance of Constant Vigilance:

Many parents rely on inflatable devices like puddle jumpers to keep their children safe in the water. However, it's essential to understand that these devices can create a false sense of security. Puddle jumpers are not designed to replace close supervision and can give parents a misplaced sense of assurance. Without the reliance on a puddle jumper after consistently using one, children may develop a false sense of confidence in their ability to float. This can lead to a dangerous situation where they might jump into the water without any flotation device, assuming they can still float effortlessly.

With ISR, children learn vital self-rescue skills that don't rely on external devices. This empowers them to navigate the water safely, even without the aid of flotation devices. This is important because The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) studied drownings among children aged 4 and under and found that nearly 70% of the children were not expected to be at or in the pool, yet they were found in the water. In fact, 46% of the children were last seen in the house. The heartbreaking reality of children slipping out of the house unnoticed and finding themselves in water without a flotation device, mistakenly believing they can float, highlights the critical need for thorough water safety education.

The Importance of Refresher Lessons:

As children grow, their abilities in the water change. That's why refresher lessons are essential to reinforce their skills. Swimming is a sensorimotor skill, and while children may not forget what they learned, their bodies may outgrow the skills due to height and weight changes. Refresher lessons help children adapt their skills to their "new" bodies, ensuring they maintain their competence and confidence in the water. Donavan continued his swim journey with ISR by participating in refresher lessons the following year, building upon the skills he learned during his initial six-week lessons. Even now, at 5, he knows that he can "go to his float" if he gets tired and he's in the middle of the pool. Now, it's Warren's turn to benefit from ISR refresher lessons this summer as we continue to prioritize his safety and confidence in the water.

Brightly Colored Swim Suits for Water Safety:

To enhance water safety, I personally recommend dressing children in brightly colored swimsuits during water activities. The vibrant colors make it easier for parents and instructors to spot children in the water, ensuring constant vigilance.

Water Safety Beyond Pools: Lake Safety and Life Jackets:

Water safety extends beyond pools, especially when it comes to activities at lakes. It is crucial to prioritize the use of Coast Guard-approved life jackets for children at all times when near open water like lakes. Due to possible currents and dark waters, life jackets are a must and provide an added layer of safety and ensure that children are protected, even if unforeseen circumstances arise.

ISR might seem daunting, but it is an investment in our children's safety and lifelong skills in the water. The sessions typically last for 10 minutes each day, taking place at the instructor's pool. The duration of the lessons can vary based on how quickly your child progresses, typically ranging from 6 to 8 weeks. Donavan embarked on his ISR journey with 6 weeks of lessons at the age of 2, followed by 4 weeks when he turned 3. Warren, on the other hand, started his ISR experience at just 9 months old and completed an 8-week program. We believe that this investment in ISR is invaluable, as it equips our children with essential survival skills and a strong foundation in water safety from an early age.

Investing in ISR is a powerful commitment to safeguarding our children and empowering them with lifelong water skills. It goes beyond providing them with mere swimming lessons; it equips them with essential survival skills and a deep understanding of water safety. By enrolling our children in ISR, we are making a proactive investment in their well-being, ensuring they have the knowledge and confidence to navigate the water safely throughout their lives. The value of this investment cannot be overstated, as it grants us peace of mind and empowers our children to enjoy the water responsibly and with a strong sense of self-assurance. With ISR, we are investing in their safety today and their limitless potential in the future.

To find an ISR instructor in your area, please visit:


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