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75 Days of Transformation: A Mom's Guide to the 75 Hard Challenge

Motherhood, as beautiful and rewarding as it is, can undoubtedly be hard. It's a journey filled with countless sleepless nights, overwhelming responsibilities, and often putting your needs last. Amidst the endless cycle of diaper changes, feedings, activities, and comforting hugs, finding the time and energy to focus on your personal well-being might seem like an impossible task. Yet, countless moms scrolling through their social media feeds might have stumbled upon posts of women undertaking 75 hard, showcasing incredible transformations and inspiring stories of mental and physical fortitude.

As challenging as it might seem for moms to even consider adding another task to their already full plates, the 75 Hard Challenge could be a game-changer. This program doesn't just promise to help you regain physical fitness; it also aims to enhance mental strength, offering benefits that could resonate with the demanding role of being a mom. This blog post will guide you, particularly the moms, on how to navigate this rigorous but rewarding journey, tailoring it to your unique needs and lifestyle.

three moms running outside with strollers and the skyline in the background

What is the 75 Hard Challenge?

Entrepreneur Andy Frisella conceptualized the 75 Hard Challenge in 2019, focusing on mental fortitude rather than purely physical transformations. After an inspiring encounter with James Lawrence, known as the Iron Cowboy for his monumental achievement of completing 50 Ironman races in 50 consecutive days across all 50 states, Frisella formulated the challenge to instill discipline and mental strength through daily, non-negotiable tasks:

  1. Adhere to a diet (of your choice) geared towards physical improvement, with no cheat meals or alcohol.

  2. Engage in two 45-minute workouts, one of which must be outside.

  3. Capture a daily progress photo.

  4. Consume a gallon of water.

  5. Read 10 pages of a book (non-fiction or self-help recommended, and no audiobooks).

The rules are stringent; miss a task, and you start over from day one. The purpose is not to customize the challenge to fit your lifestyle but rather to push your limits and step out of your comfort zone.

Potential Benefits and Drawbacks of 75 Hard

The benefits offered by 75 Hard range from boosting confidence and self-esteem to promoting perseverance, self-worth, and resilience. This holistic development goes beyond a mere fitness plan and has the potential to significantly transform one's lifestyle. However, it's crucial to remember that the challenge's strict nature might cause difficulties. It could promote an unhealthy relationship with food due to its rigidity, and the all-or-nothing attitude may not provide the flexibility needed for long-term adherence.

Tackling the Challenge as a Mom

While the 75 Hard program is challenging by design, the hurdles can seem greater for mothers already juggling numerous tasks. Here are a few tips to make it more manageable:

Workout: Integrate your children into your workout schedule. An outdoor walk or play session could serve as one of your daily workouts.

Diet: Choose a dietary plan that aligns with your family meals to make meal prepping more manageable. Involving the family can encourage healthy eating habits for everyone.

Hydration: Keep a reusable water bottle handy throughout the day to ensure you meet your water intake goal.

Reading: Use quiet moments during the day for reading. Perhaps when the kids are napping or during their quiet time.

Progress Picture: Make this a fun activity. Let your kids be the photographers - they'll love being involved and it'll make the experience more enjoyable.

Enlist a Friend: Embarking on the 75 Hard challenge with a friend not only adds a fun element but also creates a system of mutual accountability. Share your progress, motivate each other during tough times, and celebrate your successes together. It can turn the challenge into a shared journey of resilience and self-improvement.

Mothers' Gains from 75 Hard

Mothers who undertake the 75 Hard Challenge can experience a unique set of benefits that go beyond general fitness and wellness. The challenge's structured and demanding nature can offer life-changing advantages in the context of motherhood. Here are some potential benefits:

1. Enhanced Energy and Stamina: With two 45-minute workouts a day, the challenge can significantly improve physical strength and stamina, giving moms the much-needed energy to keep up with their active children and the demands of parenting.

2. Improved Mental Resilience: Motherhood can be emotionally challenging, and the 75 Hard Challenge's emphasis on mental toughness can be beneficial. By pushing your limits and accomplishing daily tasks, you can develop a mindset that can handle the stresses and unpredictability of parenting with grace and patience.

3. Model of Healthy Living for Children: By participating in the 75 Hard Challenge, mothers can demonstrate the importance of a healthy lifestyle to their children. This includes balanced eating, consistent physical activity, and the importance of hydration. These behaviors can set the stage for their kids' future habits.

4. Boost in Self-esteem and Confidence: Accomplishing the daily tasks can instill a sense of pride and self-confidence. Seeing physical changes through progress pictures can further boost self-esteem, making moms feel empowered and confident in their bodies.

5. Time for Self-Care: Moms often put the needs of their family before their own. The 75 Hard Challenge mandates time each day for self-care activities like working out and reading, giving mothers the chance to prioritize their well-being.

6. Consistent Routine: The challenge's structure can help establish a regular routine. This consistency can be beneficial for managing household chores and childcare responsibilities more effectively.

7. Enhanced Discipline and Consistency: The 75 Hard Challenge's rules require discipline and consistency, qualities that are beneficial in various aspects of life, including parenting.

As we wrap up our discussion on the 75 Hard Challenge, it's important to acknowledge that everyone's journey is unique and that this intensive program might not fit every mom's lifestyle or current circumstances. And that's okay.

It's essential to remember that the core essence of the 75 Hard Challenge is the development of discipline, consistency, and mental toughness. These are skills that can be fostered and developed even with a gentler, more flexible approach, and therefore, for those moms who might find the original rules too demanding or unfeasible, we would like to introduce a modified version of the challenge, aptly named the "Mom-Friendly 75 Soft Challenge."

This adapted version still emphasizes the key principles of the original program but in a more manageable way, better suited to accommodate the hectic schedules and multiple responsibilities that come with being a mother.

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  1. Diet: Choose a dietary plan that aligns with your family meals to make meal prepping more manageable. The diet should be aimed towards physical improvement, but instead of completely eliminating cheat meals or alcohol, allow yourself one cheat meal per week to maintain balance.

  2. Workouts: Replace the two 45-minute workouts with two 15-minute activities each day. These can include activities like a brisk walk, a short yoga session, household chores, or even a dance-off with your kids. Make sure one of them is outside to get some fresh air and sunlight.

  3. Progress Picture: Continue with the daily progress photo. This can still serve as a visual reminder of your commitment to the challenge and your ongoing progress.

  4. Hydration: Modify the gallon of water rule to a more achievable target based on your body's needs and lifestyle. Aiming for at least 2 liters (half a gallon) per day is a great starting point.

  5. Reading: Replace reading 10 pages with 10 minutes of dedicated self-care time each day. This can involve reading, meditation, mindfulness exercises, journaling, or simply enjoying a quiet cup of tea.

  6. Get Ready Each Morning: Start your day off on a positive note by dedicating time to get ready every morning. Whether it's taking a refreshing shower, putting on a fresh outfit, or even applying a bit of makeup - do what makes you feel good about yourself. This small act can significantly enhance your mood, self-esteem, and readiness to tackle the day's tasks. This is not just about physical appearances but also about the mental uplift that comes from taking care of oneself. It's a reminder that, amidst the demanding duties of motherhood, you matter, and so does your well-being. It is indeed the embodiment of the saying, "You can't pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.

Remember, the goal should not merely be to complete the challenge but to foster habits that could be incorporated into your lifestyle even after the 75 days. This is about enhancing your quality of life as a mom, developing mental strength, and fostering a healthy relationship with food and exercise. It's about becoming a role model for your children, showing them the importance of self-care, discipline, and consistency.

After all, motherhood is already hard; why not channel some of that strength into the 75 Hard (or Soft) Challenge? Embrace the journey, and remember that every small step takes you closer to your goal.


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